The Purificación course is almost ready

Today we’ve been working on the course, marking lines, drop-zones and mandatories. The course will be finished thursday morning, just in time before the first players arrive and start the practice rounds.

Remember to pack waterproof foot ware, it has been raining the las few days, and even if the weather looks good for the weekend, the courses may be wet.


The new look of hole #11



At the course today: mowing


Ten days away from the practice rounds of the Asturias Disc Golf Invitational the preparation phase is very much on track. This week the operators of the Parks & Recreation Department of the City of Oviedo, helpful as always, are mowing fairways and greens. Next week every hole of the course will be ready for our visitors.

The official tournament disc is ready

The disc included in the players package is ready. We’re proud to present the ADGI2015 Opto Claymore:


This is Latitude 64’s own description:

The Claymore has a small dome and comfortable grip combined with a neutral flight that will suit most players. Compared to existing Latitude molds it will be slightly more overstable than the very popular Fuse.


Happy Holidays guys, this is just a reminder for the Asturias Disc Golf Invitational.

The tournament is a month away and we have so far registered 45 players. Since we have 10 reserved spots, there are only 17 available left. So if you’re still thinking about joining this historical event, please do not hesitate to register here

Purificación Tomás Disc Golf: The new tees are well on their way

Hole #1

Hole #1

The City of Oviedo Park Department is, as always, doing a great piece of work with the new tee boxes that will be ready for the Asturias Disc Golf Invitational in January 21015. They are well on their way, all of the nine tee boxes have been dug up and the first three have already been filled up with concrete. It looks like they will be ready for testing by mid-January. The new rough concrete surfaces are leveled up and will improve traction greatly. The new set of tees will be a nice addition to the course, giving a hole new look to the first nine holes.

Registration is now open

The tournament has now been officially sanctioned in the PDGA system and we have decided to open the registration process. The ADGI 2015 is a C-Tier and we are now offering three divisions: Women’s Open (FPO), Men´s Open (MPO) and Men’s Advanced (MA1).

The registration fees for all divisions is 35€ and will cover tournament entry, player’s package and dinner Saturday night. Payment is required upon registration.

Remember that the registration process follows the first-come, first-in principle.

You’ll find a list of registered players here.

Please register: 


First Name (required)

Last Name (required)

PDGA number




Email address (required)

Expected arrival date

Registration fee is 35€. Please transfer the amount to the following account:
CRK Disc Golf S.L.
Ildefonso Sanchez del Rio 10 1A
33001 Oviedo
BANK: CAJA RURAL de Asturias
IBAN: ES1230590083712671670525
