The Venue

The tournament will be held in Oviedo, the capital of Asturias. The Principality of Asturias is located in the northwestern part of Spain occupying a territory of 10,604 km2 and is home to 1,058,976 people. It is bordered on the West by Galicia, on the North by the Cantabrian Sea, on the East by Cantabria and to the South by the province of León.


The capital is Oviedo, founded in 761. Oviedo is located in the center of Asturias between the rivers Nalón and Nora. The city is protected against strong winds by Monte Naranco in the north, and the Sierra del Aramo in the south, and its center is rather hilly.

Oviedo contains a very rich architectural history, with many buildings dating back to the early medieval period. Many of the building projects were undertaken during Alfonso II’s (791-842) reign and Ramiro I’s (842-850) reign.

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